Sunday, June 19, 2011

father's day

here's to my short daddy, who always asks, "how's the weather up there?"

by juli

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

la domestique

last week i came across an inspiring food blog - la domestique.  each week, jess features a new seasonal ingredient.  she gives a thorough introduction on monday, 10 creative uses of the ingredient on tuesday, a featured recipe on wednesday, a "storyboard" on thursday, and final thoughts and inspirations on friday.  this week she features salad greens, and who doesn't need new salad ideas?

a few images from la domestique...

scrambled eggs and spinach
breakfast in bed

Monday, June 13, 2011

diy: terrarium

did anyone else see the segment on terrariums on this week's cbs sunday morning show?  it inspired me to do a little research on making my own indoor mini garden.  do you have any tips to share?  i'd love to hear about your experiences.
botany factory

here is a nice moss terrarium tutorial from poppytalk.

scenes from a life...

extended day pin, by juli
my daughter's last day of school was friday and she was pinned to move up in her montessori school and become a leader in class.  she was so very proud of herself and i felt honored to watch her lovely life continue to open.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

slumber party

i've had a very special food, music and friend-saturated weekend.  my band got together for a sleepover and 2-day practice.  we worked out 3 new songs, shared a few home-cooked meals, and finished it off with a gig saturday night. 

friday supper // beer-battered fish tacos with slaw, tomatillo + avocado salsa

saturday breakfast // granola, yogurt, blackberries, carrot-oatmeal cookies topped with locally hand-crafted peanut butter by big spoon roasters, counter culture coffee

saturday lunch // scrambled eggs with cheese, local sausage links, and english muffins

team breakfast, by tracy
set list, by temples of grey

Friday, June 10, 2011

the list...

tim'a at the quarry, by juli
summer to-do list (written on the back of a napkin):
- make books
-diy projects
-ice lollies
-short pants
-yummy food
-music shows

Thursday, June 2, 2011

composing the summer mix

every year i put together a summer "mixtape" for friends and i have begun compiling the choices.  my daughter came up with the brilliant "grassy grass grass" by woody guthrie and sung by elizabeth mitchell, one of our favorites when it comes to "children's music."  i just thought it was so perfect for the feeling of summer, i wanted to share it here.

what's on your summer playlist?  please share!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

tula mirth's favorite polenta

my daughter's school is putting together a cookbook for the teachers based on each child's favorite recipe.  the children were asked to illustrate the food in their receipe.  tula mirth chose polenta and i loved her cute little drawing of the polenta.

* recipe adapted from lidia lastianich's polenta via saveur.