Tuesday, February 22, 2011

a little obsession...

i am up late thinking about the stop motion fashion animation project i am shooting today (once daylight arrives) and i thought i would share some of my finds.  please share any great stop motions you have run across...hope to add my very own to the mix soon, wish me luck.

and one more that i know so well from my pal tim lytvinenko that he shot with local band, megafaun.


  1. Have you seen marcel the shell with shoes on?... I think that's what it's called...
    It's incredibly cute.

  2. thanks devin! what a great one!


  3. these are AWESOME!! love love love.

  4. It's really simple, but I wanted to share a video that one of my sixth graders made a few years back. I taught a very basic clay animation class for summer school, so for four weeks, this is what one student worked on. I was so proud! (Clearly we were in a school, with limited facilities! You can see messy desks in nearly every shot...)


    Thanks for sharing these other beauties on your blog. I can't wait to see your creation.


  5. thanks so much for sharing your students video. how awesome! i would have loved to do this in school!
